design management tool that enables you
to optimise your solution mix precisely,
without losing management control.
compute, storage and network infrastructure?

from a single point of design truth.
bare-metal or edge, ArenaCore gives you a single
point of infrastructure lifecycle control.

effectively from a common point of design reference.
capabilities, the flexibility to integrate solution
elements from multiple vendors is key.
infrastructure freedom
Compute, network and storage marketplaces are evolving to share some increasingly common characteristics. In particular the term "Software Defined" has come to resonate across all architectural domains. This has in turn resulted in freedom of equipment choice for most solution elements. Hyperscale operators have not only leveraged these changes, they are a driver of many of them. The consequence of this is that even when making decisions at smaller scales, the cost savings impact of specific suppliers can be significant.
It may however also be the case that under specific circumstances, continued use of existing suppliers remains the most logical choice. ArenaCore can help you to establish and maintain an accurate design inventory of all compute, network and storage equipment across your entire spectrum of suppliers.
The balance between public, private and hybrid cloud is not straightforward to get right. Options for cloud type and requirements regarding performance, security, availability and sovereignty can make workload placement analysis a challenge. In cases where colocation and on-premises is the best option, shouldn't your solution design / lifecycle management capability be putting you in a position to realise the TCO benefits you are looking for?
which cloud?
which partner?
By taking advantage of flexibility in product choice, customers are effectively also taking onto themselves responsibility to track and manage delivery via multiple vendors and/or manufacturers. Why not get one step ahead of the game and drive solution design and equipment lifecycle management processes from a unified viewpoint?
Platform Capabilities
ArenaCore embodies concepts that enable you to access and implement a new paradigm in solution design thinking:

Design Collaboration
Solution Design Architects never work in a bubble and the work they do is critical. With the rise of DevOps, the Solution Design role is becoming increasingly shared across the team. Ensure that all changes are vetted correctly, and that the whole team is involved.

Take control
Physical equipment products and appliances may have numerous options, layers and compatibility rules. Logical / Cloud / Software products may require numerous rule definitions and logic implementations. Define your own product definitions and catalogs and make them available to the appropriate users and customers.

Value Network
Modern infrastructure operations usually require participation from multiple internal and external actors with varying Role responsibilities. ArenaCore supports Directory enabled operation across all key entities, including with trusted external parties.

Operations Integration
The real work of operations is done by configuration management, monitoring and trouble ticketing platforms. ArenaCore supports an integration pattern and schema that enables tight integration to related operations support system platforms.

Full Traceability
ArenaCore allows you to see and traverse both backwards and forwards through all design changes since inception within any of your solution designs. Full traceability can identify who made a change, helping you to find out why.

Document Management
Solution Design is an information-rich activity that usually requires collection and storage of related data and documents. ArenaCore allows you to keep related designs, documents and data together in a common repository.
Physical Design
Physical equipment resource structures within ArenaCore may be hierarchically complex and contain child resources such as drive bay assemblies, CPUs, memory, storage, riser, expansion and adaptor card items. Manufacturers and OEMs may define standard configured products for consumption and customisation by their customers, along with supporting compatible component list (CCL) catalog structures. Customers may mix and match equipment products from multiple OEMs and resellers within their solution designs in order to define and generate orders for ideally optimised solution structures.

ArenaCore Community
The ArenaCore Community exists to support users of all levels. If you are a beginning user we would love for you to join us. If you are interested to help build extensions into ArenaCore for support of new technologies, we would love to hear your insights into the best approaches for doing this within the domains that you are most interested in. Please join us using the Community Sign Up page!

ArenaCore platform access
The ArenaCore platform is available for early-release access. We would love to have you on board!
Please sign up at the ArenaCore Registration Page.
Logical Design
The world of infrastructure resource management has expanded to include bare metal, virtualisation, containerisation, micro-services and lambda functions. These sub domains are additionally divided across the spheres of network, compute and storage and may be delivered and operated in a public, private or hybrid cloud context. ArenaCore Logical Resource management can support the creation of new types of Logical Resource product definitions, including for entirely bespoke architectures, and enable them to be published and used in the creation of logical solution designs.
For further information, please contact us via info@arenacore.com