Whilst the ArenaCore platform itself is a cloud based Software As A Service, active participation in the open source community is very important to ArenaCore as an organisation.
The architectural approach for integration of ArenaCore with customer owned domain specific management platforms is based on deployment of integration messaging adapters either to customer premises or into public cloud, as is relevant for the circumstances.
This aspect of the ArenaCore architecture is an ideal candidate therefore for contribution into the open source domain.
Development of integration support in this area is written in the Go language – these pieces of code will form the first of ArenaCore’s contributions in this area.
NATS Streaming (an open source project) is being utilised as the transport mechanism, and the relevant TMForum OpenAPI(s) are being used as the application layer model.
In addition to these components, customised adapters are required to integrate each specific management system product/project (e.g. Terraform, Puppet etc). Any such adapters written by ArenaCore will likewise be placed in the open source domain, and it is anticipated that other individuals and organisations doing the same would follow this direction also.
This should mean that the entire ArenaCore ‘integration stack’ can be inspected, modified and extended as required (and potentially be used even in a non-ArenaCore context if it is relevant to do so).
The relevant TMF OpenAPIs are a terrific resource from which to gain knowledge that is relevant for use within next generation service providers who are either using these APIs themselves, or the larger core TMF standards frameworks from which the OpenAPIs are derived.
From here please continue to the Relationship to Big Data / AI / ML section.